
When you start working with a new tool, it is extremely useful to have relevant documentation at hand to refer to it when you need it.

Most TMS providers offer you a variety of ways to broaden your knowledge of their tools. Here is what you may benefit from if you decide to use XTM:

  • User Guides: general (for top features) and more specific (e.g. for connectors, APIs). They are available online (e.g. online help) or for download as pdf files (e.g. manual for Offline Editor).
  • Knowledge base: introduction to a few general topics presented in the form of FAQ
  • XTM On Demand: a video platform giving access to webinars delivered by XTM experts
  • XTM Live: the leading translation technology summit for localization professionals from international enterprises.
  • TechTalks: open discussions with technology leaders on key language technology topics (current trends, innovations and latest developments in language technology).
  • Release notes: listing changes made to particular XTM Cloud versions as well as its products (e.g. Connect, Portal, Mobile). You can choose between reading a description or a full change log.

You can also access help and information for users directly from XTM:

Figure 1. Help section in XTM
Help section in XTM
Note: It is very important for the documentation to be easily accessible, user-friendly and up-to-date!