Language variants
Some languages have variants that you want to preserve in separate translation memories. However, a problem appears if you want to leverage on cost reductions due to a high number of matches from a TM with a different language variant.
XTM gives you the option to benefit from TMs of other language variants for Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. If you choose it and are translating English to Spanish (en-GB to sp-SP), XTM will firstly match against the TM of English en-GB to Spanish sp-SP and then check all the other variants of English, such as en-US or en-AU, and Spanish, such as sp-MX or sp-CL TM to find a match.
As a result, you can pay considerably less if matches are found from another language variant TM.

You can also set a TM language variant penalty profile (lower rating of a variant vs. the basic language) and highlight segments populated with a language variant match (to identify them as potentially needing more corrections).